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1.locate是指在某个特定的位置或地点,通常用于描述寻找或确定某物或某人所处的具体地点。:The police were able to locate the missing child with the help of a tracking device.(借助追踪装置成功找到了失踪的孩子。)

2.locate也可以用作动词,意为“定位”、“放置”、“安置”。:The company decided to locate its new headquarters in the downtown area.(公司决定将新总部设在市中心。)

3.locate还可以表示“使处于某种状态”、“把…放在适当的位置”。:The doctor was able to locate the source of the patient's pain.(医生找到了病人疼痛的根源。)

4.locate也可以用作名词,表示“位置”、“地点”。:Please provide us with your current locate so we can send someone to pick you up.(请告诉我们您现在所处的位置,以便我们派人来接您。)

5.另外,locate也可以指“”、“查明”。:After hours of research, we were finally able to locate the missing document.(经过数小时的研究,我们终于找到了丢失的文件。)








1.The GPS system helps us to locate our position on the map.(GPS帮助我们在地图上定位我们的位置。)

2.I can't seem to locate my keys anywhere, I must have left them at home.(我似乎无法找到我的钥匙,在哪里都没有,我一定是把它们留在家里了。)

3.The company has decided to locate its new factory in a rural area, where land is cheaper and more spacious.(公司决定将新工厂设在农村地区,在那里土地更便宜、空间更大。)

4.It took us a while to locate the source of the strange noise coming from the engine.(我们花了一些时间才找到引擎发出奇怪噪音的来源。)

5.The police were able to quickly locate the suspect's hideout and make an arrest.(能够迅速找到嫌疑人的藏身处并逮捕他。)


1.relocate(重新定位):The company plans to relocate its headquarters to a bigger city next year.(公司计划明年将总部搬迁到一个更大的城市。)

2.prelocate(预先确定位置):We need to prelocate the venue for the conference before sending out invitations.(在发出邀请函之前,我们需要预先确定的举办地点。)

3.dislocate(脱臼、错位):The athlete suffered a dislocated shoulder during the game.(运动员在比赛中肩膀脱臼了。)

4.locatable(可定位的):The lost hiker's phone was not locatable due to poor reception in the mountains.(由于山区信号不好,迷路的徒步者的手机无法定位。)

5.locator(定位器、指示器):The locator on my car key helps me find it when it gets lost in my bag.(我的车钥匙上的定位器能帮我在包包里找到它。)


1.locate是什么意思?- What does locate mean?

2.locate的用法和例句- Usage and examples of locate

3.我无法找到我的钱包,我必须要定位一下。- I can't find my wallet, I need to locate it.

4.成功地定位了嫌疑人的藏身处。- The police successfully located the suspect's hideout.

5.这个单词的发音是什么?- What is the pronunciation of this word?

6.What does locate mean?- locate是什么意思?

7.The company has decided to relocate its factory to a different country.- 公司决定将工厂搬迁到另一个。

8.请提供您当前的位置,我们会派人来接您。- Please provide us with your current location so we can send someone to pick you up.

9.The GPS system helps us to easily locate our destination.- GPS帮助我们轻松地找到目的地。

10.The doctor was able to quickly locate the source of the patient's pain.- 医生能够快速找到病人疼痛的根源。



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