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1. latter是什么意思?latter和former有什么区别?


2. latter是什么意思?latter和former有什么区别?读音读法

latter [ˈlætər],读作/lætər/;former [ˈfɔːrmər],读作/ˈfɔrmər/。两者都有弱化元音的趋势,发音时需要注意不要把弱化过度。

3. latter是什么意思?latter和former有什么区别?用例

例句1:In the sentence "I prefer apples to oranges, the latter is my favorite fruit", "the latter" refers to oranges.

例句2:In the series "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", the latter is the second book.

例句3:In this job, you can choose between a fixed salary or a commission-based salary, with the latter being more risky.

例句4:He had two options: to stay at home and watch TV or go out for a walk, and he chose the latter.

例句5:John has two brothers, one is a doctor and the other is a lawyer, and he is the latter.

4. latter是什么意思?latter和former有什么区别?组词

latter-day 后期的,近来的

the latter half 后半部分

latterly 最近,后来

the latter part 后半部分

the latter years 晚年

5. latter是什么意思?latter和former有什么区别?中英文对照

latter: 后者,后面提到的一个

former: 前者,前面提到的一个



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