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anemometer是什么意思? anemometer翻译(中文文):风速计,

一:anemometer是什么意思? anemometer翻译(中文文):风速计,指一种用来测量风速的仪器。它是由希腊语的"anemos"(风)和拉丁语的"metrum"(测量)两个词组成。

二:怎么读(音标),anemometer的音标为 [əˈnɛməˌmɪtər]。


anemometer是什么意思? anemometer翻译(中文文):风速计,


1. The anemometer on of the building showed that the wind speed had reached 20 miles per hour. (建筑物顶部的风速计显示,风速已达每小时20英里。)

2. The anemometer is a crucial tool for pilots to determine the wind conditions before takeoff. (风速计是飞行员在起飞前确定风况的关键工具。)

3. According to the readings from the anemometer, it seems like a storm is approaching. (根据风速计的读数,似乎有一场暴风雨正在接近。)

4. The new anemometer design has greatly improved the accuracy of wind speed measurement. (新的风速计设计大大提高了风速测量的准确性。)

5. The anemometer was damaged during the hurricane and needs to be replaced. (飓风中的风速计损坏了,需要更换。)

五:同义词及用法,anemometer的同义词包括wind gauge、wind speed meter、wind velocity indicator等。它们都指用来测量风速的仪器。



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