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anemia什么意思? anemia翻译(中文文):贫血, 贫血症 hellip

一:anemia什么意思? anemia翻译(中文文):贫血, 贫血症 hellip 的意思是指人体血液中红细胞数量或含量不足,导致氧气运输能力下降的一种疾病。



anemia什么意思? anemia翻译(中文文):贫血, 贫血症 hellip


1. She was diagnosed with anemia and had to take iron supplements. 她被诊断出患有贫血,并需要服用铁剂。

2. Anemia is a common condition, especially among women and children. 贫血是一种常见的疾病,尤其在妇女和儿童中较为普遍。

3. The patient's anemia was caused by a lack of vitamin B12 in his diet. 患者的贫血是由于饮食缺乏维生素B12引起的。

4. He felt tired all the time due to his chronic anemia. 由于慢性贫血,他总是感到很累。

5. The doctor advised her to eat more foods rich in iron to prevent anemia. 医生建议她多吃富含铁质的食物,以预防贫血。

五:同义词及用法:anemia的同义词包括bloodlessness, pallor, and weakness。可以用来表示人体缺乏血液或氧气的情况。:The patient's bloodlessness was caused by a severe hemorrhage. 患者的血色苍白是由于严重出血导致的。



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