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ancestor什么意思? ancestor翻译(中文文):祖先, 祖宗 hellip

【一】ancestor什么意思? ancestor翻译(中文文):祖先, 祖宗 hellip



ancestor什么意思? ancestor翻译(中文文):祖先, 祖宗 hellip


1. My ancestors immigrated to America from Ireland during the potato famine. (我的祖先在马铃薯饥荒时期从爱尔兰移民到美国。)

2. The ancient Egyptians believed in honoring their ancestors through elaborate burial rituals. (古埃及人通过精心的葬礼仪式来尊敬他们的祖先。)

3. The traditions and customs of our ancestors are still celebrated today. (我们祖先的传统和习俗至今仍在庆祝。)

4. The scientist traced the evolution of the species back to its earliest ancestor. (科学家追溯物种的进化到最早的祖先。)

5. Many cultures have a strong belief in ancestral spirits and honor them through various rituals and offerings. (许多文化都有强烈的信仰,认为有祖灵存在,并通过各种仪式和供品来尊敬他们。)

【五】同义词及用法:forefather, forebear, progenitor, predecessor, antecedent


- forefather:指一个人的祖先,强调对后代的影响和重要性。

- forebear:指一个人的祖先,尤其是指较早的祖先。

- progenitor:指某个事物的起源,也可以用来指生物学上的祖先。

- predecessor:指某个职位或地位上的前任。也可以用来指比较早期的祖先。

- antecedent:强调时间上或逻辑上在前面的事物,也可以用来指祖先。



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