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Public utility management refers to the management of essential services and facilities provided by the government or other public organizations for the benefit of the general public.



/pʌblɪk juːˈtɪləti ˈmænɪdʒmənt/




1. Public utility management plays a crucial role in providing essential services to citizens. (公共事业管理在为市民提供基本服务方面起着至关重要的作用。)

2. The government is responsible for overseeing public utility management to ensure fair and efficient service delivery. (负责监督公共事业管理,以确保公平高效的服务提供。)

3. Public utility management is facing challenges in meeting the increasing demand for services while maintaining affordability for the public. (公共事业管理面临着在满足日益增长的服务需求的同时,保持公众负担能力的挑战。)

4. The privatization of public utility management has been a controversial ic, with some arguing for its benefits while others raise concerns about potential negative impacts on the public. (公共事业管理的私有化一直是一个备受争议的话题,一些人认为它带来了好处,而另一些人则担心可能对公众造成负面影响。)

5. Effective public utility management is essential for sustainable development and improving the quality of life for citizens. (有效的公共事业管理对于可持续发展和提高市民生活质量至关重要。)


1. Public service management: refers to the management of services provided by government agencies.

2. Utility service management: refers to the management of services such as water, electricity, and gas.

3. Municipal service management: refers to the management of services provided by local governments.

4. Infrastructure management: refers to the management of physical structures and facilities that support essential services.

5. Social service management: refers to the management of social welfare programs and services provided by the government.




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