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二:怎么读(音标):英 [ˈæmpjʊteɪt] 美 [ˈæmpjəˌteɪt]




1. The doctor had to amputate the soldier's leg after it was severely injured in battle. 医生不得不在战斗中严重受伤的士的腿部进行截肢手术。

2. The surgery was successful and they were able to amputate the tumor before it spread to other parts of the body. 手术非常成功,他们能够在肿瘤扩散到身体其他部位之前将其切除。

3. In some cases, it may be necessary to amputate a limb in order to save a person's life. 在某些情况下,为了挽救一个人的生命,可能需要截肢。

4. Due to severe frostbite, the doctor had no choice but to amputate all of the patient's fingers and toes. 由于严重的冻伤,医生别无选择只能将患者所有的手指和脚趾都截肢。

5. After the accident, he had to learn how to walk again with his prosthetic leg since his left leg was amputated above the knee. 事故发生后,由于他的左腿在膝盖以上被截肢,他不得不学习如何用假肢重新行走。


1. Sever: to cut off or remove by cutting, often with a sudden or forceful action. (割断,切除)

2. Detach: to separate from something larger or connected; disconnect. (分离,脱离)

3. Dissect: to cut apart (an animal body, plant, etc.) to examine the structure, relation of parts, or the like. (解剖,剖析)

4. Excise: to cut out surgically. (切除,切除手术)

5. Remove: to take away or withdraw from a place or position; extract. (移除,抽取)

六:编辑总结:Amputate是一个常用的医学术语,指的是通过手术或外科手段将身体的一部分切除。它可以用来描述截肢手术、肿瘤切除等情况。同义词有sever、detach、dissect、excise和remove等。使用时需要注意区分其与cut off等词语的差异,并根据具体语境选择合适的词汇。


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