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alternate什么意思? alternate翻译(中文文):交替的, 轮




alternate什么意思? alternate翻译(中文文):交替的, 轮

1. The students will alternate between studying and taking breaks to avoid burnout. (学生们将在学习和休息之间交替,以避免精疲力尽。)

2. The team has alternate plans in case the first one fails. (团队有备用计划,以防第一个计划失败。)

3. The alternate route is longer but has less traffic. (备选路线比较长,但交通量较少。)

4. The two friends alternate paying for each other's meals when they go out to eat. (这两个朋友在外就餐时轮流付对方的餐费。)

5. The politician used an alternate route to avoid the protesters outside the building. (家使用了一条替代路线来避开建筑物外的者。)


1. Rotate: to take turns in a sequence or position (轮流)

2. Substitute: to use in place of another, especially as a replacement (代替)

3. Interchange: to switch or exchange places with each other (交换)

4. Reciprocate: to give or take mutually, in return (互换)

5. Alternate can also be used as a noun meaning "a person who acts as a substitute" or "a secondary option or possibility."




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