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alternately什么意思? alternately翻译(中文文):交替地,

怎么读(音标): /ɔːlˈtɜːnətli/

用法: Alternately是一个副词,用来描述两种或多种情况之间的交替发生。它可以用来修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词。


1. She alternately laughed and cried as she watched the movie. 她看电影时交替地笑和哭。

alternately什么意思? alternately翻译(中文文):交替地,

2. The students took turns to answer questions alternately. 学生们轮流回答问题。

3. The weather has been alternately hot and cold this week. 这周天气时冷时热。

4. The two teams played alternately, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. 两队轮流比赛,没有一方占据明显的优势。

5. He alternately studied and worked to pay for his education. 他交替地学习和工作来支付自己的教育费用。


1. Alternatively: 同样是副词,意为“作为另一种选择”或者“反过来”。:Alternatively, you can choose to take the bus instead of walking.

2. Interchangeably: 同样是副词,意为“可以互换地使用”。:The two words can be used interchangeably in this context.

3. In turn: 是一个短语,意为“依次地”。:Each member of the team will speak in turn.

4. By turns: 是一个短语,意为“轮流地”。:The siblings took care of their sick mother by turns.

5. Successively: 同样是副词,意为“连续地”。:The team won three successively games.




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