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alter ego是什么意思,alter ego的翻译,alter ego音标、读

alter ego是一个拉丁语词汇,意为“另一个自我”,它指的是一个人的第二个自我,通常是指某人在特定情况下所表现出来的不同个性或角色。这个词也可以用来形容某人的密友或者最亲密的伙伴,因为他们可以彼此了解并分享彼此的想法和感受。

alter ego是什么意思,alter ego的翻译,alter ego音标、读


alter ego [ˈɔltər ˈiɡoʊ]


alter ego这个词通常作为名词使用,在句子中作为主语、宾语或补语。它也可以用作形容词,表示某人具有双重性格或身份。


1. My alter ego is a confident and outgoing person, but in reality I am quite shy.(我的alter ego是一个自信开朗的人,但实际上我很害羞。)

2. He created an alter ego to express his true feelings without fear of judgment.(他创造了一个alter ego来表达自己真实的感受,不用担心被评判。)

3. Her alter ego, a fierce and determined woman, emerged when she was faced with challenges.(她面对挑战时,她那坚强果断的alter ego就会出现。)

4. The superhero's alter ego was just an ordinary person with no special abilities.(超级的alter ego只是一个普通人,没有特殊能力。)

5. Beyoncé's alter ego, Sasha Fierce, is known for her powerful and confident stage performances.(碧昂斯的alter ego Sasha Fierce因其强大自信的舞台表演而闻名。)


1. Other words that can be used to express the same meaning as alter ego include second self, other self, doppelganger, and shadow self.

2. In some contexts, the term alter ego can also be replaced with persona or identity.

3. To describe someone's close friend or companion, you can use the words confidant, comrade, or bosom buddy instead of alter ego.


alter ego这个词在英语中有着广泛的使用,它不仅可以形容一个人的双重性格或角色,还可以指代某人最亲密的伙伴。它也常常出现在文学作品、电影和电视剧中,为角色赋予更加丰富的内涵。熟练地运用这个词汇可以让我们的语言更加生动有趣。


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