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affluence是什么意思? affluence翻译(中文文):富裕, 富



例句1:The city's affluence is evident in its luxurious buildings and high-end shopping centers.(这座城市的富裕在它豪华的建筑和高档购物中心中显而易见。)

例句2:Her family's affluence allowed her to travel around the world and experience different cultures.(她家庭的富裕让她能够环游世界,体验不同的文化。)

affluence是什么意思? affluence翻译(中文文):富裕, 富

例句3:The country's economic policies have led to an increase in affluence for its citizens.(这个的经济导致了公民财富的增加。)

例句4:He was born into a life of affluence, but he chose to use his wealth to help those in need.(他出生在一个富裕的生活中,但他选择利用自己的财富来帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

例句5:The sudden affluence of the small town brought about many changes, both positive and negative.(小镇突然出现的富裕带来了许多变化,既有积极影响也有消极影响。)


1. Wealth – 名词,表示大量财产或者金钱。

例句:His family's wealth was built on generations of hard work and business acumen.(他家族的财富是建立在几代人的勤奋工作和商业头脑上。)

2. Prosperity – 名词,表示经济繁荣或者成功。

例句:The country's prosperity has led to a better quality of life for its citizens.(这个的繁荣带来了公民生活质量的提高。)

3. Opulence – 名词,表示极度奢华或者富裕。

例句:The opulence of the palace was breathtaking, with gold and jewels adorning every room.(宫殿的奢华令人惊叹,每个房间都装饰着金子和珠宝。)

4. Affluent – 形容词,表示富裕的。

例句:The affluent neighborhood was filled with mansions and expensive cars.(富裕的社区里到处是豪宅和昂贵的汽车。)

5. Prosperous – 形容词,表示繁荣昌盛的。

例句:The prosperous city attracted many entrepreneurs and investors.(这个繁荣昌盛的城市吸引了许多企业家和投资者。)




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