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afflict是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:afflict是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思:

动词 afflict 的意思是“使痛苦、折磨或困扰”,常用于形容人或物受到严重的身体或上的苦难。它也可以表示“影响、侵袭或困扰”,通常指某种不良情况对某人或某物造成了严重的影响。

afflict是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典


afflict [əˈflɪkt]


1. afflict sb./sth.:使某人/某物遭受折磨、痛苦或困扰

例句:The country was afflicted by a severe famine.(这个遭受了严重的饥荒。)

2. afflict sb. with sth.:使某人患上某种疾病或遭受某种不良情况

例句:He was afflicted with a rare disease.(他患上了一种罕见的疾病。)

3. be afflicted with sth.:患有某种疾病

例句:She is afflicted with asthma.(她患有哮喘。)


1. The poor girl was afflicted with a rare genetic disorder that caused her great pain.(这个可怜的女孩患有一种罕见的遗传性疾病,给她带来了巨大的痛苦。)

2. The country was afflicted by a series of natural disasters, leaving many people homeless.(这个遭受了一系列自然灾害,导致许多人无家可归。)

3. He was afflicted with guilt after cheating on his wife.(在欺骗妻子之后,他被内疚所折磨。)

4. The city has been afflicted by high crime rates for years.(这个城市多年来一直受到高犯罪率的困扰。)

5. She is constantly afflicted by self-doubt and insecurity, which affects her relationships with others.(她经常被自我怀疑和不安全感所困扰,这影响了她和他人的关系。)


1. trouble:与 afflict 同义,表示使某人或某物遭受不幸、折磨或困扰。

例句:The young man was troubled by his past mistakes.

2. torment:与 afflict 同义,强调长期而持续的上或身体上的折磨。

例句:The prisoner was tormented by the memories of his crimes.

3. plague:与 afflict 同义,指使某人或某物遭受持续的痛苦或不幸。

例句:The village was plagued by a series of mysterious deaths.

4. distress:与 afflict 同义,表示使某人或某物遭受极大的痛苦、折磨或困扰。

例句:The news of his death caused great distress to his family and friends.


动词 afflict 意为“使痛苦、折磨或困扰”,常用于形容人或物受到严重的身体或上的苦难。它也可以表示“影响、侵袭或困扰”,通常指某种不良情况对某人或某物造成了严重的影响。其同义词有 trouble、torment、plague 和 distress,但它们在语义上有细微的差别。在使用时需根据具体语境选择合适的词语。


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