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1, lat是拉丁语中“宽容”的意思。:He showed great lat in dealing with the difficult situation.(他在处理困难的情况时表现出了极大的宽容。)

2, lat是一种缩写,“latitude”,意为“纬度”。:The city is located at 40° N lat.(这座城市位于北纬40度。)

3, lat是一个名词,指代一种蛋白质,称为“抗原特异性T细胞”。:The researchers found that the levels of lat were significantly higher in patients with autoimmune diseases.(研究人员,自身免疫疾病患者体内的抗原特异性T细胞水平明显较高。)

4, lat也可以作为一个缩写,“Latin American Time”,即拉丁美洲时间。:The conference call will take place at 9 am LAT.(将在拉丁美洲时间上午9点举行。)

5, 在计算机科学领域,lat是“最小访问时间”的缩写,指代一种用来衡量计算机性能的指标。:The new software update has significantly reduced the lat for data retrieval.(新软件更新大幅减少了数据检索的最小访问时间。)


1, lat的读音为/læt/,重音在第一个音节。

2, lat的读音与英文单词“flat”相似,但发音时舌头不要卷起来。

3, 请注意不要将lat的读音与英文单词“late”混淆。


1, The teacher showed great lat towards the students' mistakes and patiently helped them correct their errors.(老师对学生的错误表现出了极大的宽容,并耐心帮助他们纠正错误。)

2, The GPS device displays the current coordinates in terms of long and lat.(GPS设备以经度和纬度形式显示当前坐标。)

3, The scientists are conducting research on the role of lat in the immune system.(科学家们正在研究抗原特异性T细胞在免疫中的作用。)

4, LAT stands for Latin American Time and is used in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina.(LAT拉丁美洲时间,在墨西哥、巴西和阿根廷等使用。)

5, The computer's performance has improved significantly after reducing the lat for data access.(计算机性能在减少数据访问最小时间后有了显著提升。)


1, latitude(n. 纬度)

2, lateral(adj. 侧面的)

3, latitude and longitude(经纬度)

4, latency(n. 潜伏期)

5, lateral thinking(侧向思维)


1, lat是拉丁语中“宽容”的意思。:He showed great lat in dealing with the difficult situation.(他在处理困难的情况时表现出了极大的宽容。)

2, lat是一种缩写,“latitude”,意为“纬度”。:The city is located at 40° N lat.(这座城市位于北纬40度。)

3, lat是一个名词,指代一种蛋白质,称为“抗原特异性T细胞”。:The researchers found that the levels of lat were significantly higher in patients with autoimmune diseases.(研究人员,自身免疫疾病患者体内的抗原特异性T细胞水平明显较高。)

4, lat也可以作为一个缩写,“Latin American Time”,即拉丁美洲时间。:The conference call will take place at 9 am LAT.(将在拉丁美洲时间上午9点举行。)

5, 在计算机科学领域,lat是“最小访问时间”的缩写,指代一种用来衡量计算机性能的指标。:The new software update has significantly reduced the lat for data retrieval.(新软件更新大幅减少了数据检索的最小访问时间。)


1, lat is the Latin word for "tolerance". For example: He showed great lat in dealing with the difficult situation. (他在处理困难的情况时表现出了极大的宽容。)

2, lat is an abbreviation for "latitude". For example: The city is located at 40° N lat. (这座城市位于北纬40度。)

3, lat is a noun that refers to a type of protein called "lymphocyte-activation gene 3". For example: The researchers found that the levels of lat were significantly higher in patients with autoimmune diseases. (研究人员,自身免疫疾病患者体内的抗原特异性T细胞水平明显较高。)

4, lat can also be used as an abbreviation for "Latin American Time". For example: The conference call will take place at 9 am LAT. (将在拉丁美洲时间上午9点举行。)

5, In computer science, lat stands for "lowest access time", which is a measure of a computer system's performance. For example: The new software update has significantly reduced the lat for data retrieval. (新软件更新大幅减少了数据检索的最小访问时间。)



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