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2.beachhead的读音为 [ˈbiːtʃhed],第一个音节读作“beach”,第二个音节读作“head”。


例句1:The soldiers landed on the beach and quickly established a beachhead.


例句2:The company's new product has gained a beachhead in the competitive market.


例句3:The team's victory in the first game gave them a beachhead for the rest of the tournament.


例句4:The politician's speech was seen as an attempt to gain a beachhead in a new demographic.


例句5:The company's expansion into international markets began with a small beachhead in Europe.



- Beachhead strategy (先头基地战略): 指企业通过建立小规模的先头基地,逐步扩大市场份额的战略。

- Beachhead market (先头基地市场): 指企业在某个特定市场或领域占据的先机位置。

- Beachhead landing (海滩登陆): 指行动中在敌方海岸建立阵地的行为。

- Beachhead assault (海滩突击): 指行动中对敌方海岸进行突袭,以建立阵地。

- Beachhead position (先头基地位置): 指企业在某个市场或领域中占据的有利位置。

- Beachhead market share (先头基地市场份额): 指企业在某个市场或领域中占据的份额。


beachhead是什么意思?beachhead's meaning and usage

1. beachhead是指在海滩上建立的阵地,也可以指在某个领域或市场上建立的先头基地。

2. beachhead strategy 先头基地战略

3. beachhead market 先头基地市场

4. beachhead landing 海滩登陆

5. beachhead assault 海滩突击

6. beachhead position 先头基地位置

7. beachhead market share 先头基地市场份额

1. beachhead指在海滩上建立的阵地,也可以指在某个领域或市场上建立的先头基地。

2. beachhead strategy (先头基地战略): refers to the strategy of gradually expanding market share by establishing small beachheads.

3. beachhead market (先头基地市场): refers to the advantageous position a company holds in a specific market or industry.

4. beachhead landing (海滩登陆): refers to the military operation of establishing a foothold on enemy shores.

5. beachhead assault (海滩突击): refers to the military operation of attacking enemy shores in order to establish a foothold.

6. beachhead position (先头基地位置): refers to the advantageous position a company holds in a particular market or industry.

7. beachhead market share (先头基地市场份额): refers to the portion of a market or industry that a company holds due to its successful establishment of a foothold.



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