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abash是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:abash是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思

abash是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典



abash的音标为 /əˈbæʃ/,其中第一个音节发音为短元音/u/,第二个音节发音为长元音/æ/,最后一个音节发音为清辅音/sh/。


1. 作及物动词时,abash通常接人作宾语,表示使某人感到羞愧、局促不安或尴尬。:

- The teacher's harsh criticism abashed the student and made her cry.(老师严厉的批评让学生感到羞愧,并让她哭了。)

- I was abashed by his rude behavior at the party.(他在派对上粗鲁的行为让我感到局促不安。)

2. 作名词时,abash指一种尴尬或难堪的情绪。:

- She couldn't hide her abash when she accidentally spilled coffee on her boss's shirt.(当她不小心把咖啡洒在老板的衬衫上时,她无法掩饰自己的尴尬。)


1. She was abashed by her own mistake in front of the whole class.(她在全班同学面前因自己的错误而感到羞愧。)

2. He tried to hide his abash with a forced smile, but everyone could see through it.(他试图用勉强的微笑掩饰自己的局促不安,但每个人都能看穿。)

3. The little girl's innocent question abashed the politician and he stumbled for an answer.(小女孩天真的问题让家感到局促不安,他结结巴巴地回答。)

4. The speaker's eloquent speech abashed his opponent and gained him more supporters.(演讲者雄辩的演讲让他的对手感到羞愧,并赢得了更多支持者。)

5. I was abashed when my boss praised my work in front of the whole team, but also felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.(当老板在整个团队面前表扬我的工作时,我感到局促不安,但也有一种自豪和成就感。)


1. embarrass:意为“使尴尬,使难堪”,与abash意思相近,但更常用于指某人因为某种原因而感到难堪或局促不安。:The awkward silence embarrassed everyone in the room.(尴尬的沉默让房间里的每个人都感到难堪。)

2. shame:意为“羞愧,耻辱”,与abash意思相近,但更强调对自己的行为或品德感到羞愧。:She felt a deep sense of shame for lying to her parents.(她因为对父母撒谎而感到深深的羞愧。)

3. disconcert:意为“使困惑,使不安”,与abash意思相近,但更强调因突然发生的事情而感到局促不安。:His unexpected question disconcerted me and I couldn't think of an answer.(他出乎意料的问题让我感到局促不安,无法想出答案。)




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