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The meaning of "颜料" in English is "pigment".


The pronunciation of "pigment" is /ˈpɪɡmənt/.


"Pigment" refers to a substance that is used to add color to something, such as paint, ink, or dye. It can also refer to the natural coloring matter in animal or plant tissues.


1. She mixed different pigments together to create a unique shade of blue. (她把不同的颜料混合在一起,创造出一种独特的蓝色。)

2. The artist carefully selected her pigments to achieve the perfect color for her painting. (艺术家精心挑选颜料,为她的绘画达到完美的色彩。)

3. The pigment in the leaves of the tree changed from green to red in the fall. (树叶中的颜料在秋天从绿色变成了红色。)

4. This brand of paint uses natural pigments extracted from plants and minerals. (这种品牌的油漆使用从植物和矿物中提取出来的天然颜料。)

5. The ancient Egyptians used various pigments, including ochre and charcoal, for their paintings and drawings. (古埃及人使用各种颜料,包括赭石和木炭,来进行绘画和素描。)


1. Dye - a substance used to color fabrics or other materials. Unlike pigments, dyes are soluble and can penetrate the material they are applied to.

2. Colorant - a general term for any substance that adds color to something, including both pigments and dyes.

3. Paint - a mixture of pigment, binder, and solvent used for creating artwork or coating surfaces.

4. Ink - a liquid containing pigments or dyes used for writing, drawing, or printing.

5. Tint - a slight coloring or shading effect produced by adding a small amount of pigment to something.


In summary, "颜料" is translated as "pigment" in English and refers to substances used for adding color to various materials. It can be mixed with other pigments or combined with binders and solvents to create different types of paints or inks. Other similar terms include dye, colorant, paint, ink, and tint. Knowing the meaning and usage of these words can help expand one's vocabulary when discussing colors and art in English.


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