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Title in English


The phrase "title in English" refers to the name or heading of a piece of written work in the English language.


/tʌɪtl ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/



This phrase is commonly used when discussing titles of books, articles, essays, or any other written work in the English language. It can also be used to refer to the title of a person, such as their job title or honorific.

Example Sentences:

1. The title in English for this book is "Pride and Prejudice."


2. Can you please provide me with the title in English for this article?


3. Her official title in English is "Chief Executive Officer."


4. The title in English for this movie was changed from its original language.


5. I'm having trouble coming up with a good title in English for my essay.


Synonyms and Usage:

- Title: This word can also be used interchangeably with "title in English" when referring to a written work specifically.

- Heading: This word is often used to describe the titles or headings within a larger piece of writing, such as chapters or sections.

- Name: This word can be used when referring to the title of a person, but it is not specific to written works like "title in English" is.

Editor's Summary:

The phrase "title in English" is a common term used when discussing the name or heading of a written work in the English language. It can also refer to a person's title, such as their job title. This phrase can be used interchangeably with other words such as "title," "heading," or "name," depending on the context.


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