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The meaning of "面板用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say 面板 in English".


The pronunciation of "面板" is /miàn bǎn/ in Mandarin.


"面板" is a noun that refers to a flat, usually rectangular piece of wood, metal or other material that forms the surface of something such as a door, wall or machine. It can also refer to a group of people who are responsible for making decisions or giving advice.


1. 这个电视机的面板在哪里?(Where is the control panel for this television?)

2. 我们需要一个专门的小组来审查这些提案。(We need a dedicated panel to review these proposals.)

3. 这个提供了一个在线讨论面板,让用户可以交流意见。(This platform provides an online discussion panel for users to exchange ideas.)

4. 请将你的论文打印出来,放在室的展示面板上。(Please print out your paper and put it on the display panel in the conference room.)

5. 成员就如何处理这一问题进行了激烈的辩论。(Members of the panel had a heated debate on how to handle this issue.)


1. 面盘 (miàn pán) - This is another way to say "control panel", often used in the context of electronic devices.

2. 面板 (miàn bǎn huì yì) - This refers to a panel discussion or forum where a group of experts or professionals share their insights and opinions on a particular ic.

3. 板块 (bǎn kuài) - This can be used to describe a section or division of something, such as the different sections on a website or the different ics discussed in a panel.

4. (wěi yuán huì) - This is another term for "panel", often used in the context of decision-making bodies.

5. 讨论小组 (tǎo lùn xiǎo zǔ) - This is similar to "panel" but specifically refers to a group formed for the purpose of discussing and exchanging ideas.


In summary, "面板用英语怎么说" means "how to say 面板 in English". It is pronounced as /miàn bǎn/ and can be used as a noun to refer to a flat surface or a group responsible for making decisions. Some synonyms for 面板 include 面盘, 面板, 板块, , and 讨论小组. As an editor, it is important to provide accurate translations while also considering different synonyms and usage examples to help readers better understand the word or phrase being translated.


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