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Face-saving consumption refers to the act of spending money on luxury goods or experiences in order to maintain one's social status and reputation.







1. She always buys the latest designer handbags and expensive jewelry, it's just her way of face-saving consumption. 她总是买最新款的设计师手袋和昂贵的珠宝,这只是她的一种面子消费方式。

2. Many people engage in face-saving consumption to impress others and gain social recognition. 许多人参与面子消费来给别人留下印象并获得社会认可。

3. He's always showing off his luxurious lifestyle, it's obvious that he's into face-saving consumption. 他总是炫耀他奢华的生活方式,很明显他是在进行面子消费。

4. Face-saving consumption can put a strain on one's finances, but some people are willing to sacrifice for their image. 面子消费可能会给财务带来压力,但有些人愿意为了自己的形象做出牺牲。

5. It's important to distinguish between genuine enjoyment and face-saving consumption, as the latter can lead to excessive spending and debt. 区分真正的享受和面子消费很重要,因为后者可能导致过度消费和债务。


1. Status consumption: the act of buying expensive goods or services to display one's social status.

2. Conspicuous consumption: the act of buying luxury goods or services to demonstrate one's wealth and status.

3. Veblen goods: goods that are in high demand because of their high price, which is seen as a symbol of social status.

4. Image consumption: the act of spending money on products or experiences to improve one's image and reputation.

5. Keeping up with the Joneses: the pressure to spend money on material possessions in order to keep up with others in terms of social status.




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