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1. 陷害的英文:frame up


2. 怎么读(音标):[freɪm ʌp]

3. 用法:作为动词短语,表示“故意安排或制造证据来冤枉或诬陷某人”;也可以作为名词,表示“被安排的陷阱或计划”。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- The detective knew that the suspect was innocent and someone was trying to frame him. (这位侦探知道嫌疑人是无辜的,有人在试图陷害他。)

- He was framed for a crime he didn't commit and spent years in prison. (他被安排了一桩他没有犯下的罪行,结果坐了数年牢。)

- The politician was framed by his opponents with fake evidence to ruin his reputation. (这位家被对手用据陷害,以毁掉他的名誉。)

- She tried to frame her ex-boyfriend by planting drugs in his car, but the police found out the truth. (她试图通过在前男友车里放药来陷害他,但了。)

- The frame-up was so well-planned that it took months for the innocent man to prove his innocence. (这场陷害计划得非常周密,无辜者花了数月才证明自己的清白。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- set up:与frame up同义,表示“安排或制造证据来冤枉或诬陷某人”。

- trap:作为动词,表示“设陷阱捕捉或困住某人”;作为名词,表示“陷阱或计划”。

- entrap:作为动词,表示“诱使某人做出、不道德的事情,以便他们”。

6. 编辑总结:

陷害是一种恶意的行为,通过故意安排或制造证据来冤枉或诬陷某人。这种行为常见于斗争、商业竞争、感情纠纷等场合。使用frame up这一术语时需要注意上下文,避免误解。在面对类似情况时,我们应该保持冷静,尽力维护自己的权益,并寻求法律帮助以维护自身的正当权益。


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