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The meaning of 阶品 in English is "rank" or "grade".



The pronunciation of 阶品 is jiē pǐn, with the tone marks being first tone and third tone respectively.


阶品 can be used as a noun, referring to a level or position in a hierarchy or system. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to classify or rank something.


1. 她在公司里的阶品越来越高,最终成为了总经理。

Her rank in the company has been rising and she eventually became the CEO.

2. 这个考试的成绩将决定你在学校里的阶品。

Your grades on this exam will determine your rank in school.

3. 这个产品的质量属于中等阶品。

The quality of this product falls into the middle rank.

4. 他们把所有员工按照业绩高低进行了阶品划分。

They ranked all employees according to their performance.

5. 在这个行业,信誉是最重要的阶品之一。

In this industry, reputation is one of the most important ranks.


1. 等级 (děng jí) - level, grade

2. 地位 (dì wèi) - status, position

3. 身份 (shēn fèn) - identity, social status

4. 职位 (zhí wèi) - position, post

5. 阶层 (jiē céng) - social class, stratum


阶品 is a commonly used word in Chinese, referring to a level or rank in various systems. When translating into English, it can be translated as "rank" or "grade" depending on the context. It is important to note that 阶品 can also be used as a verb, meaning to classify or rank something. When using this word, it is also helpful to consider using synonyms such as 等级 or 地位 to add variety and depth to your writing.


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