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1. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。的英文翻译:A thousand cups of wine are not enough when you meet a like-minded friend, but a single word is too much when the conversation is forced.

2. 怎么读(音标): [dʒuː fɔːŋ ʤiː ʨiː tʃiən bēi ʃaʊ, hua bu tóu jī bàn jù duō]


3. 用法:这句话常用来形容两个人的谈话非常投机,意见一致,没有隔阂。也可以用来形容两个人之间的默契和友谊。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- 酒逢知己千杯少,我们一起喝上一百杯吧!

A thousand cups of wine are not enough when you meet a like-minded friend, let's drink a hundred cups together!

- 我们俩真是酒逢知己啊,聊天从来不会无话不说。

We are truly like-minded friends, we never run out of things to talk about.

- 她和我是酒逢知己,每次聚会都少不了我们的默契配合。

She and I are like-minded friends, our tacit understanding always adds to the fun of every gathering.

- 我们俩虽然不太熟,但是聊天却总是酒逢知己,从来没有尴尬的时候。

Though we are not very close, our conversation always flows smoothly, as if we are like-minded friends.

- 他们俩真是酒逢知己,一起工作效率超高,从不需要多说就能理解对方的意思。

They are truly like-minded friends, their work efficiency is through the roof and they can understand each other without saying too much.

5. 同义词及用法:

- 酒逢知己千杯少:形容两个人之间的默契和友谊,也可以用来形容两个人的共同语言或兴趣。

- A thousand cups of wine are not enough when you meet a like-minded friend.

- A hundred words are not enough when you meet a like-minded friend.

- 话不投机半句多:形容两个人的谈话非常投机,意见一致,没有隔阂。

- A single word is too much when the conversation is forced.

- A single word is too much when the conversation is awkward.

6. 编辑总结:酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。这句话经常被用来形容两个人之间的默契和友谊。它告诉我们,在与志趣相投的朋友交谈时,永远都不会感到无聊或尴尬。它也提醒我们,与不投机的人交谈时,即使只说一句话也会感到很累。这句话虽然简短,却包含了深刻的道理,让我们珍惜与知己相遇的缘分,并学会欣赏与他人的不同。


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