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Secondary Character

/ˈsekənd(ə)ri ˈkærəktər/


Noun. A character in a book, play, or movie that is not the main character but still plays an important role in the story.

Usage: The term "secondary character" is often used in literature and film to refer to a character who is not the protagonist or antagonist, but still has a significant impact on the plot.

Example Sentences:

1. In the Harry Potter series, Ron and Hermione are secondary characters who support Harry in his fight against Voldemort.


2. The secondary characters in this novel are well-developed and add depth to the story.


3. Although she was only a secondary character, her actions had a major impact on the outcome of the story.


4. The actor who played the secondary character stole every scene he was in.


5. The author did an excellent job of giving each secondary character their own unique voice and personality.



Supporting Character, Minor Character, Side Character

Editor's Summary:

In literature and film, secondary characters play an important role in supporting and adding depth to the main plot. They are not the main focus of the story, but their actions and interactions with the main characters can greatly impact the outcome. Secondary characters are often well-developed and have their own unique personalities, making them essential to a well-rounded story. Synonyms for secondary character include supporting character, minor character, and side character.


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