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The meaning of "遥控用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say remote control in English".


Pronunciation: /rɪˈmoʊt kənˈtroʊl/


"Remote control" is a noun phrase that refers to a device used for controlling electronic devices from a distance. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to control something from a distance.


1. Could you pass me the remote control? (你能把遥控器递给我吗?)

2. The TV can be operated with a remote control. (电视可以用遥控器操作。)

3. She lost the remote control for the air conditioner. (她把空调的遥控器弄丢了。)

4. The drone can be controlled with a remote control. (无人机可以用遥控器操控。)

5. He used the remote control to turn on the lights in the room. (他用遥控器打开了房间的灯。)


1. Wireless controller - This is another term for "remote control", which emphasizes that it operates without wires.

2. Clicker - This informal term is often used for small, handheld remotes used for presentations or lectures.

3. Zapper - This slang term refers to a remote control that is used to switch channels on a TV.

4. Joystick - This is a type of remote control that uses a stick or lever to control movement, often used for gaming.

5. Remote - This can be used as a short form of "remote control" and is often used in phrases like "TV remote" or "car remote".


In conclusion, "遥控用英语怎么说" means "how to say remote control in English". It is pronounced as /rɪˈmoʊt kənˈtroʊl/ and can be used as a noun or a verb. Some synonyms for "remote control" include wireless controller, clicker, zapper, joystick, and remote. As a dictionary editor, it is important to provide accurate translations and usage examples for words and phrases, while also being aware of synonyms that may be commonly used by native speakers.


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