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1. 适者生存 (survival of the fittest)

[sərˈvaɪvəl əv ðə ˈfɪtəst]

2. 用法:



3. 例句:

1) In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest. (动物界遵循适者生存的规律。)

2) Only those who are able to adapt to the changing market conditions will survive in the business world. (只有那些能够适应市场变化的人才能在商业界生存。)

3) The harsh environment on this island is a true test of survival of the fittest. (这座岛上恶劣的环境是对适者生存原理的真正考验。)

4) As a language model AI, I am programmed to continuously improve and adapt to new data, in order to survive in the ever-changing tech industry. (作为一个语言模型AI,我的程序被设计成不断改进和适应新数据,以在不断变化的科技行业中生存。)

5) The concept of survival of the fittest is not only applicable in nature, but also in human society where competition is fierce. (适者生存原理不仅适用于自然界,也适用于竞争激烈的人类社会。)

4. 同义词及用法:

- Natural selection (自然选择):指在自然界中,个体间的竞争导致最适应环境的个体生存下来,而其他个体被淘汰。

- Survival of the strongest (最强者生存):强者能够在竞争中占据优势,从而生存下来。

- Survival of the most adaptable (最适应者生存):强调在不断变化的环境中,只有能够适应变化的个体才能生存下来。

5. 编辑总结:



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