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1. Word: Resilience

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪl.i.əns/


Meaning: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or to adapt well to change

Example 1: She showed great resilience in dealing with the challenges of her new job.

例句 1:她在应对新工作的挑战时表现出了极大的适应能力。

Example 2: The city's resilience was tested after the natural disaster, but it managed to bounce back and rebuild.

例句 2:这座城市在自然灾害后经受了考验,但它成功地重新振作并重建起来。

Example 3: The company's resilience was praised by investors as it quickly recovered from the financial crisis.

例句 3:该公司因迅速从金融危机中恢复而受到投资者的赞扬。

Example 4: Children who grow up in difficult circumstances often develop resilience and learn how to overcome challenges.

例句 4:在困难环境中长大的孩子往往会培养出适应能力,并学会如何克服挑战。

Example 5: Building resilience is crucial for individuals and communities to thrive in today's fast-changing world.

例句 5:在当今快速变化的世界中,培养适应能力对个人和社区的繁荣至关重要。

Synonyms: flexibility, toughness, adaptability




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