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Entry: Please be seated! The court is now in session.


Pronunciation: /pliːz biː ˈsiːtɪd/ /ðə kɔːt ɪz naʊ ɪn ˈsɛʃən/

Part of Speech: Phrase

Definition: A polite request for someone to sit down because the court session is about to begin.

Usage: This phrase is commonly used by judges or court officials to address the audience before a court proceeding.

Example Sentences:

1. "Please be seated! The court is now in session and we will begin with the first case."

2. "Everyone, please be seated! The judge will enter the courtroom shortly."

3. "As we wait for the jury to arrive, please be seated and make yourselves comfortable."

4. "Please be seated! We have a long day ahead of us with many cases to hear."

5. "The judge has arrived, please be seated and remain quiet during the proceedings."

Synonyms and Usage:

1. "Take your seats! The court is now in session." (used interchangeably)

2. "Please sit down! The court is about to begin." (used interchangeably)

3. "All rise for the honorable judge!" (used when addressing the audience to stand up)

4. "Court is now in session, please take your seats." (used by the judge himself/herself)

5. "Ladies and gentlemen, please find your seats as we begin our proceedings." (used formally)

Editor's Summary:

"Please be seated! The court is now in session." is a common phrase used in legal settings to politely request individuals to sit down as the court proceedings are about to begin. It can also be used by judges or other court officials as an opening statement before addressing the audience. This phrase is interchangeable with "Take your seats!" or "Please sit down!" and has formal alternatives such as "All rise for the honorable judge!" or "Court is now in session." It is important to remain respectful and follow the instructions of the court officials when this phrase is used.


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