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To explain how to say in English.


/ˈɛŋɡlɪʃ seɪ/



This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English equivalent of a word or sentence in another language. It is commonly used by language learners and translators.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you help me with how to say "hello" in English?


2. I'm not sure how to say this in English, can you give me some suggestions?


3. Do you know how to say "thank you" in English?


4. She asked me how to say "I love you" in English.


5. He's trying to figure out how to say this phrase in English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Translate: This word can also be used as a synonym for "explain how to say in English", but it specifically refers to translating from one language to another.

Example: Can you translate this sentence for me into English?

2. Render: This word means "to express or represent something in a particular way". It can be used interchangeably with "explain" or "translate".

Example: The teacher rendered the French phrase into English for the students.

3. Interpret: This word means "to explain the meaning of something". It can be used when someone is trying to understand the meaning of a word or phrase in another language.

Example: The interpreter helped the tourists interpret the signs in English.

4. Convert: This word means "to change something into a different form or use". It can be used when someone wants to know how to say something in English that they already know how to say in another language.

Example: She converted the measurements from metric to imperial units.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, "explain how to say in English" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to know the English equivalent of a word or sentence in another language. It can be used interchangeably with words like "translate", "render", "interpret", and "convert". As an editor, it is important to provide accurate and clear explanations for non-native speakers and learners of English.


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