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Spider is a small creature with eight long legs and a round body that spins webs to catch insects for food. It belongs to the arachnid family and is found in almost every part of the world. Spiders are known for their ability to produce silk, which they use to create webs, cocoons, and egg sacs.


1. The spider spun a beautiful web between two branches. (这只蜘蛛在两根树枝之间织了一张漂亮的网。)

2. Be careful not to get bitten by a spider while hiking in the forest. (在森林里徒步旅行时要小心不要被蜘蛛咬到。)

3. The spider's venom is used in medicine to treat certain diseases. (蜘蛛的毒液被用来治疗某些疾病。)

4. Spiders are excellent hunters, using their webs to trap unsuspecting insects. (蜘蛛是出色的猎手,它们利用自己的网来捕捉毫无戒备的昆虫。)

5. Charlotte's Web is a famous children's book about a spider who befriends a pig named Wilbur. (《夏洛特的网》是一本关于一只与名叫威尔伯的猪成为朋友的蜘蛛的知名儿童书籍。)


1. Arachnid - a class of animals that includes spiders, scorpions, and ticks.

2. Insect - a small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts, such as ants, bees, and flies.

3. Web - a fine net-like structure made by spiders to catch prey or for shelter.

4. Cobweb - an old or abandoned spider web that collects dust.

5. Tarantula - a large hairy spider found in warm regions.




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