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wō hūn de yì si

蜗婚(wō hūn)是一个汉语词语,形容一种缺乏激情、平淡无奇的婚姻关系。这种婚姻通常缺乏爱情和浪漫,夫妻双方生活乏味,缺少共同的兴趣爱好,甚至可能存在沟通不畅、冷战或者等问题。


读音:wō hūn de yì si(注:汉语拼音为标准读音)



1. 我们结婚已经十年了,但是感觉我们的关系越来越像蜗牛般缓慢。

We have been married for ten years, but it feels like our relationship is becoming more and more like a snail's pace.

2. 这对夫妻陷入了蜗婚状态,他们很少一起出去旅行或者做其他有趣的事情。

This couple is stuck in a snail-paced marriage, they rarely go on trips or do other fun activities together.

3. 她自己在和一个工作狂结婚,结果陷入了蜗婚的生活。

She realized she had married a workaholic and ended up in a snail-paced marriage.

4. 他们的婚姻一直都很平淡,像是一场蜗婚。

Their marriage has always been dull, like a snail-paced relationship.

5. 她不想和他结婚,害怕最后陷入蜗婚的生活。

She didn't want to marry him, afraid of ending up in a snail-paced marriage.


1. 平淡无奇的婚姻关系:dull marriage,boring marriage

2. 缺乏激情的夫妻关系:lackluster relationship,unexciting relationship

3. 生活乏味的婚姻:lifeless marriage,monotonous marriage

4. 缺少共同兴趣爱好的夫妻:couple with no common interests,couple with different hobbies

5. 沟通不畅的关系:poor communication in the relationship,communication breakdown


蜗婚是一个形容词,在汉语中用来描述一种缺乏激情、平淡无奇、缺乏爱情和浪漫的婚姻状态。它可以用来形容夫妻双方生活乏味、缺少共同兴趣爱好、沟通不畅等问题。同义词有dull marriage、lackluster relationship、lifeless marriage等。使用时需要注意语境,避免贬低他人婚姻关系。


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