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Emphatic sentence structure in English is a type of sentence structure that is used to emphasize a certain element or idea in a sentence. It typically involves the use of auxiliary verbs and inversion of word order to create emphasis.



/ɪm'fætɪk ˈsɛntəns ˈstrʌktʃər/


Emphatic sentence structure is often used in spoken and written English to add emphasis to a particular part of a sentence. It can be used to express strong feelings, make a point more clear, or highlight important information.


1. He DID finish his homework last night. (他昨晚确实完成了作业。)

2. She DOES love chocolate. (她真的很爱巧克力。)

3. I AM going to the party tonight. (我今晚一定会去参加派对。)

4. They HE been working hard all week. (他们整个星期都在努力工作。)

5. You CAN'T be serious! (你不可能是认真的!)


Other ways to add emphasis in English include using adverbs such as "really" or "very," using exclamation points, and repeating words for emphasis.


Emphatic sentence structure is an effective way to add emphasis and highlight important information in English sentences. By using auxiliary verbs and inversion of word order, speakers and writers can make their point more clear and express strong feelings. It is important for language learners to understand this type of sentence structure in order to improve their English communication skills.


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