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In English grammar, an object clause (also known as an object complement or a complement clause) is a dependent clause that typically follows a verb and functions as the direct object of the verb. It provides more information about the action or state expressed in the main clause. Object clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as that, if, whether, or wh- words (who, what, where, etc.). They can also be introduced by relative pronouns (who, whom, which) in defining relative clauses.



/ˈɒbʤɛkt klɔːz/


Object clauses are used to provide additional information about the action or state expressed in the main clause. They can act as direct objects, indirect objects, or objects of prepositions. Object clauses can also function as subject complements to describe the subject of the sentence.


1. I know that he is coming to visit us next week.


2. She asked if I would like to go to the party with her.


3. Can you tell me where he went after work?


4. The teacher explained how to solve the math problem.


5. We are all wondering whether they will win the competition.



Object clauses can also be referred to as content clauses or subordinate clauses.


Object clauses are essential in providing additional information and adding depth to a sentence. They are commonly used in both spoken and written English, and it is important to understand their structure and usage in order to effectively communicate in the language. Remember to use the appropriate subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun to introduce an object clause, and pay attention to subject-verb agreement when using them as subject complements. With practice, using object clauses will become natural and effortless.


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