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Meaning: English sentence patterns refer to the different ways that words and phrases can be combined in a sentence to convey meaning.

Pronunciation: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈsentəns ˈpætərnz/


Usage: English sentence patterns are an important aspect of grammar and syntax. They help us understand how words and phrases are organized in a sentence to create meaning.

Example Sentences:

1. Subject + Verb + Object: "I eat apples." (我吃苹果。)

2. Subject + Verb + Adjective: "She is beautiful." (她很漂亮。)

3. Subject + Verb + Adverb: "He runs quickly." (他跑得很快。)

4. Subject + Verb + Prepositional Phrase: "They live in New York." (他们住在纽约。)

5. Subject + Helping Verb + Main Verb: "I am studying English." (我正在学习英语。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Sentence structure

- Meaning: The way words and phrases are arranged in a sentence.

- Example Sentence: "The sentence structure of this language is very complex."

2. Grammar patterns

- Meaning: The rules for combining words and phrases in a language.

- Example Sentence: "It's important to understand the grammar patterns of a language in order to speak fluently."

3. Syntax

- Meaning: The arrangement of words and phrases to create sentences.

- Example Sentence: "The syntax of this language is quite different from my native language."

Editor's Summary:

English sentence patterns are essential for understanding the structure of sentences in the English language. By learning these patterns, one can improve their grammar skills and communicate more effectively in English. It is important to practice using different sentence patterns in order to become more proficient in the language.


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