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Gathering for a meal or social event.






1. We are having a gathering at our house tonight, would you like to join us for dinner? (今晚我们在家里聚会,你想一起来吃晚饭吗?)

2. The company organized a gathering to celebrate the success of their latest project. (公司组织了一个聚会来庆祝他们最新项目的成功。)

3. Let's have a family gathering this weekend and catch up with each other over a nice meal. (这个周末我们来个家庭聚会,一起享用美味的食物并互相交流近况。)

4. The annual company gathering is always a great opportunity to network and meet new people. (每年一次的公司聚会总是一个很好的机会,可以拓展人脉并结识新朋友。)

5. We had a lovely gathering with our old school friends, reminiscing about the good old days over some delicious food. (我们和老同学们一起聚餐,品尝美食的同时回忆过去的美好时光,非常愉快。)


1. Dinner party: A formal gathering where a meal is served and guests are invited.

2. Banquet: A large formal dinner or feast, often involving multiple courses and entertainment.

3. Feast: A large and sumptuous meal, usually held for a special occasion or celebration.

4. Get-together: An informal gathering of friends or family for socializing and enjoying each other's company.

5. Reunion: A gathering of people who have not seen each other for a long time, often accompanied by a shared meal.


“聚餐”是一种社交活动,通过共同进食来加强人与人之间的关系。在英语中,有多种表达方式来表示这一概念,如dinner party、banquet、feast等。在使用时需要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇。


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