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1. 联动报的英文:Interconnected Alarm


2. 怎么读(音标):/ˌɪntəˈkɒnɛktɪd əˈlɑːm/

3. 用法:联动报是指当一个报发生报时,其他相关的也会同时响应并进行相应的处理。这种联动可以提高报的效率和准确性,同时也可以避免因单一故障而导致整个安全失效。

4. 例句:

1) The interconnected alarm system in our office building ensures that any emergency will be promptly responded to by the security team.


2) The interconnected alarm system in the house includes smoke detectors, motion sensors, and door alarms.


3) In case of a fire, the interconnected alarm system will automatically notify the fire department and activate the sprinkler system.


4) The interconnected alarm system in the car is connected to the owner's phone for remote monitoring and control.


5) The interconnected alarm system in the shopping mall has greatly improved the overall security level.


5. 同义词及用法:联动报的同义词包括“集成报”(Integrated Alarm)、“联动安防”(Interconnected Security)、“综合报”(Comprehensive Alarm)等。它们都指的是通过多个之间的连接和协作来实现更高效、更全面的安全防护。

6. 编辑总结:联动报是一种智能化、高效率的安全防护手段,通过不同之间的连接和协作,可以快速响应和处理各种紧急情况,提高整体安全水平。在如今安全意识日益增强的社会,联动报已成为必备的安全设备之一。


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