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American-born Chinese

[əˈmerɪkən bɔːrn ˌtʃaɪˈniːz]

Noun: A person of Chinese descent who was born in the United States.


Example sentences:

1. My friend is an American-born Chinese, but she speaks fluent Mandarin.


2. As an American-born Chinese, I often struggle with balancing my Chinese heritage and American culture.


3. The film "Crazy Rich Asians" features a predominantly American-born Chinese cast.


4. Growing up as an American-born Chinese, I faced a lot of discrimination and racism.


5. Many American-born Chinese struggle with their sense of identity and belonging.



Chinese-American, ABC (abbreviation for American-born Chinese)


The term "American-born Chinese" is used to describe individuals who were born in the United States but have ethnic roots in China. This term is often used to distinguish them from other Asian Americans who were born outside of the US.

Editor's summary:

As a dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define terms and provide relevant examples for readers to understand their usage. In this case, the term "American-born Chinese" is commonly used in everyday language to describe individuals with Chinese heritage who were born in the United States. It is important to note that this term should not be used as a label or stereotype, but rather as a descriptive term. Additionally, providing synonyms and usage notes can help readers better understand the term and its context.


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