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Meaning: American English refers to the variety of English language spoken in the United States.

Pronunciation: /əˈmɛrɪkən ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/


Usage: American English is the primary language used in the United States and is also widely spoken in Canada, parts of the Caribbean, and other countries around the world. It has its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation compared to British English.

Example Sentences:

1. I prefer to read books written in American English because I find it easier to understand.


2. In American English, "pants" refers to trousers while "underpants" are known as "underwear".


3. The spelling of some words can differ between British and American English, for example "color" (US) vs "colour" (UK).


4. Learning American English has helped her communicate more effectively with her colleagues from the US.


5. Many international students choose to study in the US in order to improve their proficiency in American English.


Synonyms and Usage: American English is often used interchangeably with the term "US English" or "American Standard English". It is also sometimes referred to as "American Standard Written English" to distinguish it from spoken varieties. Some common synonyms for American English include "US English", "American language", and "American dialect". It is important to note that while there are differences between British and American English, they are both considered standard forms of the English language.

Editor's Summary: American English is a widely spoken variety of the English language used in the United States and other countries. It has its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation compared to British English. While there are differences between the two, they are both considered standard forms of the language. Learning American English can be beneficial for communication with native speakers in the US and for academic or professional purposes.


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