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Polysemous Words

[ˈpɒlɪsiːməs wɜːdz]


Noun. A word or phrase that has multiple meanings and interpretations.


Polysemous words are often used in literature and poetry to add depth and complexity to the writing.

Example Sentences:

1. The polysemous word "run" can mean to move quickly, operate a machine, or manage a business.


2. The poem was full of polysemous words, making it open to different interpretations.


3. The word "light" is a polysemous word that can refer to brightness or weightlessness.


4. As a language model AI, I am programmed to understand the various meanings of polysemous words.


5. The professor challenged his students to come up with sentences using polysemous words in creative ways.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Ambiguous - having multiple possible meanings; often used in a negative connotation.

模棱两可的 - 拥有多种可能的含义;通常带有负面意味。

2. Multivalent - having many meanings or values; often used in a positive connotation.

多价的 - 拥有许多含义或价值;通常带有积极的意味。

3. Polysemic - having multiple meanings; often used in a technical or academic context.

多义的 - 拥有多种含义;通常用于技术或学术背景。

4. Ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something.

矛盾的 - 对某事物持有复杂的感情或矛盾的想法。

5. Versatile - able to adapt or be used in various ways; often used in a positive connotation.

多才多艺的 - 能够适应或在各种方式下使用;通常带有积极的意味。

Editor's Summary:

Polysemous words can add depth and complexity to language, making it more interesting and open to interpretation. However, their multiple meanings can also lead to confusion and misunderstandings. As language evolves, new polysemous words are constantly being created, making it important for us to continuously expand our vocabulary and understanding of these words.


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