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Meaning: This is a dictionary translation article. You are required to play the role of an online dictionary editor and translator, and write a simple or complex English dictionary definition. The content must include: 1. Simple and complex meanings in English; 2. How to read (phonetic symbols); 3. Usage; 4. Example sentences (1-5 sentences) with Chinese and English translations; 5. Synonyms and usage; 6. Editor's summary. Please make sure to write in the above format.

How to read: [ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri trænsˈleɪʃən]


Usage: This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how dictionaries translate words or phrases from one language to another.

Example sentences:

1) The dictionary translation for "hello" is "你好" in Chinese.

2) According to the dictionary translation, "bonjour" means "hello" in French.

3) The word "翻译" can be translated as both "translate" and "translation" according to the dictionary.

4) The dictionary translation for "apple" includes its definition as a fruit, but it can also refer to a technology company.

5) When translating idiomatic expressions, it is important to consult multiple dictionaries for accurate translations.

Synonyms and usage:

Synonyms for dictionary translation may include "lexicography," which refers to the practice of compiling dictionaries, or "interpretation," which involves explaining something in another language.

Editor's summary:

In conclusion, this article has provided a brief overview of how dictionaries translate words or phrases from one language to another. It is important to note that while dictionaries can be helpful tools, they should not be relied upon solely for accurate translations. It is always best practice to consult multiple sources when translating content between languages.


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