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Word: resilience




noun. the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.



1. After facing numerous challenges, the athlete showed great resilience and managed to win the race. (面对众多挑战后,这位运动员表现出了巨大的韧性,成功赢得了比赛。)

2. Resilience is an important quality to have in order to overcome obstacles and achieve success. (韧性是克服障碍、取得成功所必需的重要品质。)

3. The company's resilience was put to the test during the economic crisis, but it managed to bounce back and become even stronger. (经济危机期间,这家公司的韧性受到了考验,但它成功地恢复过来,并变得更加强大。)

4. Children who grow up in challenging environments often develop a strong sense of resilience. (在充满挑战的环境中长大的孩子通常会养成强大的韧性。)

5. The community showed remarkable resilience in rebuilding after the natural disaster struck. (在自然灾害袭击后,社区展现出了令人瞩目的韧性,在重建工作中取得了巨大进步。)


1. Endurance - the ability to withstand or sustain difficult or challenging situations.

2. Fortitude - mental and emotional strength in facing adversity.

3. Perseverance - persistence and determination in the face of obstacles.

4. Tenacity - determination to continue despite difficulties or opposition.

5. Grit - courage and resolve to overcome challenges.


Resilience is a crucial quality that allows individuals, organizations, and communities to bounce back from hardships and thrive. It is a combination of mental toughness, adaptability, and perseverance that enables us to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Developing resilience is essential for navigating through life's challenges and building a strong foundation for personal growth.


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