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The meaning of how to write the signature in English is to sign one's name on a document or other written material as a way of indicating approval, authorship, or authenticity.







1. Please sign your name at the bottom of the contract. 请在合同底部签上您的名字。

2. The artist always signs his paintings with his signature. 这位艺术家总是用他的签名在画作上。

3. The president signed the new law into effect yesterday. 昨天将这项新法律签署生效。

4. We need your signature on this permission slip before you can go on the field trip. 在您参加校外游学之前,我们需要您在这张许可证上签字。

5. His signature on the letter proved that he had written it himself. 他在信上的签名证明了这封信是他自己写的。


1. Autograph: a person's own signature, especially when given as an autograph.

Example: The celebrity signed autographs for her fans after the concert.

2. Endorsement: an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

Example: The athlete's endorsement of the sports brand helped increase its sales.

3. Signatured: signed one's name on something.

Example: The author signatured copies of her new book at the book signing event.

4. Initials: a set of initials representing a person, used especially before or after a signature.

Example: The artist always includes his initials in his signature on his paintings.

5. Inscription: words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.

Example: The inscription on the statue was written in Latin.




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