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The meaning of the English word "first world" refers to the most developed and industrialized countries in the world, with advanced economies and high standards of living.


[fɜrst wɜrld]



"First world" is often used as a noun or adjective to describe developed countries that have strong political, economic, and military power. It can also refer to a group of countries that are considered to be part of the first world, such as the United States, Canada, and Western European countries.


1. The United States is often referred to as a first world country due to its strong economy and political influence. 美国常被称为第一世界,因为它拥有强大的经济和影响力。

2. Many people dream of living in a first world country because of its high standard of living. 许多人梦想生活在第一世界,因为它们拥有高水平的生活标准。

3. Japan is known for its advanced technology and is considered a first world country. 日本以其先进的技术而闻名,被认为是一个第一世界。

4. The European Union is made up of several first world countries such as Germany, France, and Italy. 欧盟由德国、法国、意大利等几个第一世界组成。

5. Despite being a small country, Singapore has managed to become one of the most developed first world countries in the world. 尽管是一个小,新加坡已成功成为世界上最发达的第一世界之一。


- Developed countries: refers to countries that have advanced economies and high standards of living.

- Industrialized countries: refers to countries that have a high level of industrialization and modernization.

- Advanced economies: refers to countries that have a high level of economic development and technological advancement.

These terms can be used interchangeably with "first world" to describe developed countries.


"First world" is a term that is often used in contrast to "third world" or "developing countries". It originated during the Cold War era when the world was divided into three categories based on political ideologies. However, in modern usage, it has evolved to refer more broadly to highly developed and industrialized countries. As a dictionary editor, it is important to keep in mind the evolving usage of this term and its potential political connotations when defining and explaining its meaning.


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