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Word: Luminous


Pronunciation: /ˈluːmɪnəs/

Part of Speech: Adjective


1. Emitting or reflecting light, especially in the dark.

2. Clear; understandable.

Example Sentences:

1. The stars were so luminous that they lit up the entire night sky.

2. The moon cast a luminous glow over the lake, making it look magical and ethereal.


Bright, Radiant, Glowing, Shining


Luminous is commonly used to describe objects or sources of light that emit a strong and visible glow. It can also be used to describe something that is clear and easy to understand.

Editor's Note:

When using luminous to describe something that emits light, it is important to note that the light does not necessarily have to be natural or from a source such as the sun or stars. It can also refer to artificial light sources such as lamps or bulbs. Additionally, when using luminous to describe something that is clear and understandable, it is often used in a figurative sense and can be applied to abstract concepts or ideas as well.


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