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The meaning of "童心未泯" in English is "childlike innocence".



Pronunciation: /tɔːŋ ʃɪn wē lǐn/


"童心未泯" is usually used as an adjective to describe a person who has a pure and innocent heart, just like a child.


1. 他虽然年纪已经很大了,但是童心未泯,总是充满着活力和好奇。(Although he is already old, he still has a childlike innocence, always full of energy and curiosity.)

2. 她的童心未泯,总是乐观向上,让身边的人感染到她的快乐。(Her childlike innocence always brings optimism and joy to those around her.)

3. 在这个充满压力的社会,保持一颗童心未泯的心态非常重要。(In this stressful society, it is important to maintain a childlike innocence.)

4. 这部电影让我回忆起了自己的童年,那时候的我也是充满着童心未泯的梦想。(This movie reminded me of my childhood when I also had dreams full of childlike innocence.)

5. 他们俩都是成年人了,但是在一起总是像两个孩子一样,童心未泯的玩耍。(They are both adults now, but when they are together, they always play like two children with childlike innocence.)


1. 纯真 (chún zhēn): pure and innocent

2. 天真 (tiān zhēn): naive and innocent

3. 幼稚 (yòu zhì): childlike and immature

4. 纯洁 (chún jié): pure and clean


"童心未泯" is a beautiful phrase that captures the essence of childlike innocence and how it can bring joy and positivity to our lives. In today's fast-paced world, it is important to hold onto this purity and simplicity in our hearts, reminding us to always stay curious, optimistic, and full of wonder like a child.


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