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The meaning of "童心未泯" in English is "never losing one's childlike heart".


"童心未泯" is pronounced as "tóng xīn wèi lín" in Mandarin Chinese.



"童心未泯" is an idiomatic phrase that describes someone who has a pure and innocent heart, just like a child. It is often used to praise someone who has maintained their childlike curiosity, imagination, and innocence despite growing up.


1. 她虽然已经成年,但是她的童心未泯,总是充满着无尽的想象力。

She may be an adult now, but her childlike heart is always filled with endless imagination.

2. 他是一个有着童心未泯的老师,总能让学生们在他的课堂上感受到快乐和幸福。

He is a teacher with a never-ending childlike heart, always bringing joy and happiness to his students in the classroom.

3. 这部电影让我回忆起了我的童年,让我感受到了那份童心未泯的纯真。

This movie reminded me of my childhood and made me feel the pureness of my never-ending childlike heart.

4. 即使面对挑战和困难,我们也要保持着一颗童心未泯的心,保持对生活的热爱和好奇。

Even in the face of challenges and difficulties, we should maintain a childlike heart and keep our love and curiosity for life.

5. 年龄不是限制我们拥有童心的因素,关键在于我们是否愿意保持童心未泯。

Age is not a factor that limits us from having a childlike heart, it all depends on whether we are willing to maintain it.


- 童心未泯 (tóng xīn wèi lín):never losing one's childlike heart

- 童真 (tóng zhēn):childlike innocence

- 纯真 (chún zhēn):purity and innocence

- 天真 (tiān zhēn):naivety and innocence

- 无邪 (wú xié):innocent and pure


"童心未泯" is a beautiful phrase that reminds us to keep our inner child alive. It encourages us to embrace our curiosity, creativity, and innocence, even as we grow older. This phrase is often used to praise someone who has maintained their purity and innocence despite the challenges of adulthood. Let's all strive to have a never-ending childlike heart and live life with joy, wonder, and imagination.


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