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The meaning of "留学用英语怎么说" is "how to say in English for studying abroad".


Pronunciation: [liú xué yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō]



"留学用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to ask how to say something in English while studying abroad. It can also be used as a title for articles or videos that provide tips and advice on how to communicate effectively in English while studying abroad.


1. 我想知道“留学”这个词用英语怎么说。

I want to know how to say "留学" in English.

2. 请问你能告诉我“海外生活”这个词的英文吗?

Could you tell me how to say "海外生活" in English?

3. 在国外留学,你必须要有一定的英语沟通能力。

When studying abroad, you must have a certain level of English communication skills.

4. 这本书是为了帮助留学生提高他们的英语水平而写的。

This book is written to help international students improve their English proficiency.

5. 学习如何在国外和其他人交流是非常重要的,因为这将帮助你更好地融入当地文化。

Learning how to communicate with others while studying abroad is crucial as it will help you better integrate into the local culture.


1. 留学英语怎么说 (how to say in English for studying abroad)

2. 出国留学时如何用英语表达 (how to express in English when studying abroad)

3. 在国外如何说英语 (how to speak English while abroad)

4. 留学时的英语交流技巧 (English communication skills while studying abroad)


"留学用英语怎么说" is a commonly used phrase for asking how to say something in English while studying abroad. It is important for international students to have a good level of English communication skills in order to better integrate into the local culture and communicate with others effectively. Other similar phrases can also be used, such as "留学英语怎么说" or "出国留学时如何用英语表达". Learning how to communicate in English while studying abroad is essential for a successful and enriching study experience.


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