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Meaning: How to say "界面" in English


Pronunciation: jiè miàn


1. Refers to the visual display or layout of a computer program or website.

2. Can also be used to describe the appearance or design of a physical object.

Example Sentences:

1. The interface of this software is very user-friendly.


2. The interface of the new smartphone is sleek and modern.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. User interface - used interchangeably with "界面" to refer to the visual display of a computer program or website.

2. Layout - can be used to describe the arrangement or organization of elements on a page or screen.

Editor's Summary:

In English, "界面" can be translated as "interface", which refers to the visual display or layout of a computer program or website. It can also be used to describe the appearance or design of a physical object. Synonyms for "界面" include "user interface" and "layout".


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