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Word: Resilience

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪliəns/


Usage: noun

Definition: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

Example Sentences:

1. Despite facing numerous challenges, she showed great resilience and never gave up. (尽管面对诸多挑战,她表现出了巨大的韧性,从未放弃。)

2. The company's resilience was tested during the economic crisis, but it managed to bounce back and thrive. (在经济危机期间,公司的韧性受到了考验,但它设法反弹并蓬勃发展。)

3. The team's resilience was evident in their performance, as they never let setbacks discourage them. (团队的韧性在他们的表现中显而易见,他们从挫折打击他们的信心。)

4. Children who grow up in difficult environments often develop a strong sense of resilience to overcome obstacles. (在艰难环境中长大的孩子通常会培养出强烈的韧性来克服障碍。)

5. The country has shown remarkable resilience in the face of natural disasters, rebuilding and recovering quickly each time. (这个在自然灾害面前表现出了令人瞩目的韧性,每次都能快速重建和恢复。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Endurance - the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; similar to resilience in terms of toughness.

2. Perseverance - the quality of continuing to do something despite difficulties; often used in a more determined or persistent sense than resilience.

3. Fortitude - strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or adversity with courage; similar to resilience in terms of mental strength.

4. Grit - courage and resolve; often used in a more determined or persistent sense than resilience.

5. Tenacity - the quality of being determined and persistent; similar to resilience in terms of not giving up easily.

Editor's Summary:

Resilience is an important quality that allows individuals and organizations to bounce back from difficult situations and thrive. It is characterized by mental toughness, the ability to recover quickly, and not giving up easily. Synonyms such as endurance, perseverance, fortitude, grit, and tenacity all share similar meanings but may have slightly different connotations. Building resilience can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve success in various aspects of life.


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