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1. 主义 (ài guó zhǔ yì)


Meaning: patriotism; love for one's country

Usage: noun


- Chinese people have a strong sense of patriotism and are willing to sacrifice for their country. (人有强烈的主义情怀,愿意为牺牲。)

- Patriotism is an important value that should be instilled in the younger generation. (主义是应该灌输给年轻一代的重要价值观。)

Synonyms: 情怀 (ài guó qíng huái), 主义 (guó jiā zhǔ yì), 心 (ài guó xīn)

Editor's summary: 主义 is a noun that refers to the strong love and devotion towards one's own country. It is an important value that should be instilled in individuals, especially the younger generation.

2. Patriotism (ˈpeɪtriətɪzəm)

Meaning: love for or devotion to one's country

Usage: noun


- The citizens showed their patriotism by waving flags during the national parade.

- Patriotism is often associated with a sense of duty towards one's country.

Synonyms: nationalism, love of country, loyalty to one's nation

Editor's summary: Patriotism is the English equivalent of 主义, which refers to a strong feeling of love and loyalty towards one's own country.

3. Nationalism (ˈnæʃənəlɪzəm)

Meaning: patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts; an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries

Usage: noun


- The rise of nationalism in the country has led to tensions with neighboring nations.

- Nationalism can be a powerful force for unity, but it can also lead to conflicts and wars.

Synonyms: chauvinism, jingoism, xenophobia

Editor's summary: Nationalism is a form of patriotism that goes beyond love for one's own country and often involves the belief in its superiority over others. It can be a source of unity but also a cause of conflicts.

4. Loyalty (ˈlɔɪəlti)

Meaning: the quality of being faithful or devoted to someone or something; a strong feeling of support or allegiance

Usage: noun


- The soldiers showed their loyalty to their country by fighting bravely on the battlefield.

- Loyalty is an important trait for building strong relationships.

Synonyms: devotion, allegiance, commitment

Editor's summary: Loyalty refers to the quality of being faithful and devoted to someone or something. In terms of patriotism, it means being committed and devoted to one's own country.

5. Devotion (dɪˈvoʊʃən)

Meaning: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause

Usage: noun


- The athlete's devotion to her sport was evident in her dedication and hard work.

- Many people have a strong devotion to their country and are willing to defend it.

Synonyms: dedication, passion, fervor

Editor's summary: Devotion refers to a strong feeling of love and loyalty towards someone or something. When it comes to patriotism, it represents the deep love and commitment towards one's own country.

Editor's summary:

In conclusion, 主义 translates into English as patriotism - a strong feeling of love and devotion towards one's own country. Other related words include nationalism, loyalty, and devotion, all of which share similar meanings but may differ in their connotations. While patriotism is a positive value that should be instilled in individuals, nationalism can sometimes lead to conflicts and wars. Loyalty and devotion are also important traits that contribute to one's love for their country.


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