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1. 表示时间顺序:在某个动作或之后发生的动作或情况。

:"I finished my homework, then I went to bed."(我做完作业,然后就上床睡觉了。)

2. 表示逻辑关系:在某个条件或原因之后发生的结果。

:"If you study hard, then you will pass the exam."(如果你努力学习,那么你就会通过考试。)

3. 表示转折关系:在某个情况之后发生的相反情况。

:"He used to be very shy, then he became more outgoing."(他过去很害羞,然后变得更外向了。)

4. 用于句子中间,表示补充说明。

:"I like all kinds of fruits, apples and bananas, then oranges and grapes."(我喜欢各种水果,苹果和香蕉,还有橘子和葡萄。)

5. 用于句末,表示最终结果。

:"She studied hard for the exam, then she got an A grade."(她为考试努力学习,最终得到了A的成绩。)


1. She finished her work, then she went home.(她完成了工作,然后回家了。)

2. If you want to lose weight, then you should exercise more and eat less junk food.(如果你想减肥,那么你应该多运动,少吃垃圾食品。)

3. He used to be a doctor, then he changed his career and became a teacher.(他过去是医生,然后改变了职业,成为了一名老师。)

4. I love traveling to different countries, then I can experience different cultures and customs.(我喜欢去不同的旅行,这样我就可以体验不同的文化和习俗。)

5. She saved enough money, then she bought her dream house.(她存够了钱,然后买下了她梦寐以求的房子。)


1. Next:表示时间顺序时可与"then"互换使用。

:"I will finish this project next week."→ "I will finish this project then."

2. Afterwards:表示时间顺序时可与"then"互换使用。

:"We went to the beach afterwards."→ "We went to the beach then."

3. Therefore:表示逻辑关系时可与"then"互换使用。

:"She didn't study hard, therefore she failed the exam."→ "She didn't study hard, then she failed the exam."

4. However:表示转折关系时可与"then"互换使用。

:"She used to be very shy, however she became more outgoing."→ "She used to be very shy, then she became more outgoing."

5. Additionally:用于句子中间,表示补充说明,意思与"then"相似。

:"I like all kinds of fruits, apples and bananas, additionally oranges and grapes."(我喜欢各种水果,苹果和香蕉,还有橘子和葡萄。)




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